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A Team is Born . . . 
    Arthur Hebert Larry Koenig  


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    In 1992 Arthur circumnavigated Lake Ponchartrain in a solo canoe, covering 108 miles through storm and fog in 50 continuous hours. His articles describing that trip were printed in “Gatortales”, the newsletter of South Louisiana’s paddling club, the Bayou Haystackers. Those articles convinced Larry who had previously done the bulk of his paddling solo that nearby there paddled a devoted (some might say extreme) fellow whose acquaintance he had to make. 

    Their first trip together (and Arthur’s first ever in a kayak) involved two 5 mile crossings from the Pascagoula River (in Mississippi) to Horn Island.  It came off without a hitch, and plans were made for the most remote trip in local waters that they could then imagine.  In the summer of ’94 they left from Venice, LA in two single boats, headed down the Mississippi River and out Main Pass to travel up the Chandeleur Island chain to Biloxi, Mississippi.  It was a 110 mile trip with 3 crossings of 10 miles or more, a 13 mile nighttime crossing, a thunderstorm encounter midway on a 10 miler, a rogue wave powered collision that necessitated a boat repair, a waterspout siting, pelican rookeries, and innumerable dolphins and frigate birds.  In short, it was a totally delightful trip, one that inspired them to paddle together the entire Louisiana coastline, and one during which a strong bond of shared dreams and goals was formed. 

    During the remainder of the Louisiana coast exploration (482 miles in 21 days total) their friendship strengthened and a major shared interest appeared.  Both were strongly committed to the exploration and preservation of their local playground, their own backyard, the Gulf of Mexico.  Many hours were spent trying to imagine and solve the problems inherent in an open water sea kayak crossing of the Gulf of Mexico. Larry tried (with no success at first – see http://www.seacajun.com/) to convince Arthur that it would be better to paddle around the Gulf than across it.  It was not until early 2000 that Arthur approached Larry and asked if he were still interested in a circumnavigation.  His answer is obvious.